The project is structured in five Work Packages:
WP1: information, communication and capitalization measures
WP2: project management
WP3: framework analysis and intercomparison sampling
3.1 Kick off meeting and practice briefing (Marseille).
3.2 Capitalization of the existing surveys and normative framework.
3.3 Update of the local emission inventory and socio-economic trends.
3.4 Intercomparison sampling in Marseille and data analysis.
WP4: air pollution monitoring campaigns and set-up of the model
4.1 First technical and scientific project mtg (Barcelona).
4.2 Air monitoring campaign in each study area and data analysis.
4.3 Second technical and scientific project mtg (Thessaloniki).
4.4 Set up of the model by processing source contributions data.
WP5: model application and scenarios for port cities sustainable development strategies ::::
5.1 Third technical and acientific project mtg (Genoa).
5.2 Identification of the risk activities and vulnerability system benchmarching
5.3 Fourth technical and scientific project mtg (Venice).
5.4 Design scenarious supporting coast development strategy.
5.5 Common Transnational Strategy (CTS) and local downscaling (Local Adaption Plans-LAP).
5.6 Mainstreaming of LAP within each territorial Knowledgeframeworks as driver for the sustainable development in port-city areas.